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Arab & Broud

عرب وراسنا مرفوع

تأليف ناجي المندلق

إخراج عزيز شراباتي


Im Hussein and Im Elias decide to start an organization for young Arab Americans with goals of projecting a positive image of Arabs.  They both have good intentions, but in typical fashion, their knowledge of English proves to be their downfall. When it comes to writing the Articles of Incorporation for their new organization, they somehow, in naming the organization in Arabic and translating it word by word into English, arrive at the name "Kill Organization". When they forward their application to the state for approval, the state office notifies the authorities, including none other than the FBI. Just what Im Hussein needs.

ورطة جديدة تقع فيها إم حسين حينما تحاول وبمعاونة جارتها إم الياس تأسيس جمعية جديدة للعرب في أميركا.


Arab & Broud

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